It would be impossible not to have fun with the Gallaghers. Between singing, dancing and photobombing, it was a day filled with laughter and that was only getting ready in Sarahs house. You know one of those houses where the back door is used rather than the front one and you can’t possibly pass through the kitchen without getting offered a cup of tea at least twice by every person in the room, well thats the sort of day it was.
Sarah is a planner. Her invites, her table plan, her colour palette, gloves or no gloves, every tiny little detail got undivided attention and so with all the hard work done it was party time on a sunny day in Kilmore. It would be easy to say Conor and the boys basically just had to show up and look good but I’ve a feeling beneath the swan like exterior of calm and grace perhaps he was pedalling 90 under the water and had quite a lot to do with how seamless the day went. They were one of the funniest couples I’ve ever worked with, you’d need a quick wit to keep up, so for every photo of them smiling you can be pretty sure I’m trying to keep the camera steady and not get motion blur from belly laughing. Thank you both so much for inviting me to be part of your celebration , I hope you have many more days of sun and giggles. Oh and a final shout out to Sarahs Mum for the awesomesaucesome cake!